Sunday, July 17, 2016

Kolson: Month 8!!

Eating & Sleeping Habits: Kolson is back on his normal sleeping schedule (for the most part). He will wake up between 7 and 8 and have a 5 oz bottle with some pureed food. Between breakfast and his first nap around 12:30 he will have between two and three more bottles. His naps usually last about 2-3 hours and he will have another serving of pureed food. Between lunch and dinner he will have another 3-5 bottles and for dinner he will have pureed veggies. Before bed he will have a 4 oz bottle and he finally goes down between 8:30 and 10. 

Measurements: He hasn't had an appointment since he was 6 months, but I would say around 25 pounds and around 33 inches   

New Milestones: Kolson is finally mobile!!! He started crawling on July 3rd! Right now it's more of an army crawl, but he still gets where he is going very fast. Kolson also started reaching for people when he wants to be picked up. He will throw his arms up and make a grabbing motion with his hands. It's adorable :) He loves to clap, and now he claps just to get people to say "yay". He knows clapping is good, so when he thinks he has done something good or funny he will clap. He also does a head tilt thing when he is around other babies to try and get them to laugh. He will tilt his head as far as he can and blow raspberries, then he will look at them and giggle. It's adorable how much he loves other babies. Update: Kolson can now pull up to a sit if he is laying on his belly!!!

Loves: Everything! He loves veggies, fruits, bath, water, you name it! His two absolute favorite things this month are books and drums. He loves everything about books: from reading to playing, even eating them! And, if you put his drum in front of him he bangs it like crazy :) 

Doesn't Love: The only thing I can think of is falling asleep. But even that he has gotten better about. He just gets cranky when he is ready to fall asleep. 

Diapers: Kolson is still in a size 4 diaper and he will probably stay in them for a while longer 

Clothing: Kolson in still in 9 month clothing, but they are getting very tight on him -especially the onesies. He wears mostly 12 month pajama, with the exception of the 9 months that still fit him 

Mood: Kolson is an extremely active baby. He has to be doing something at all times, he never stops! we bought an inflatable pool and made it into a giant play pen for him so he has plenty of room to crawl around and play, but I don't have to worry about him getting into trouble. When he is entertained, Kolson is very happy, but once he gets bored he lets people know. He's starting to get a little temper when he doesn't move as fast as he thinks he should or if something rolls out of reach, but besides that he is very happy all the time. 

Firsts: Kolson went to the playground for the first time me. At first he was not having it, mostly because the playgrounds here are geared towards toddlers and up. I put him in a baby swing and he started laughing immediately. He loves the rocking motion and was smiling the entire time. Once he was done with the swing he was a lot more open about the playground and didn't throw a fit when I put him in the other activities for pictures. The following weekend Patrick and I brought him to a different playground with a giant pirate ship and he liked that one a lot more. He got to go down the slide with Patrick and loved it. He also celebrated his first 4th of July. I was very nervous about how he would react to the sound and brightness of the fireworks, but he was mesmerized! He didn't take his eyes off them the entire show! He clapped and laugh for the begging and ending, and looked very disappointed when the fireworks stopped.  

What I want to remember
-The way he tries to make other kids laugh 
-How enthusiastic his laugh is: he throws his head back to the point where he looks like he is going to topple over
-The face he makes after he coughs or sneezes 
-How he chases Cooper around in his walker (if Cooper isn't there he just does donuts) 
-How excited he gets when Patrick walks through the door 
-His snore
-How excited he gets when Scout spells his name  

Picture update! 

Daddy's father's day card 

Father's Day gifts for his grandfathers 

Sitting in a replica Bald Eagle's nest!

First time at the Park...He loved the swing!

Yo Ho! Pirate Ship life

Sitting on a canon peeking at mommy!

Nap time before fireworks!

He loved the fireworks

Watching fireworks in style!

Yayyy....Kolson Claps!

Baby Mohawks 

First time on a slide with daddy

After bath selfies with mommy

My little drummer!

Kolson is officially mobile!!!

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