Saturday, February 13, 2016

Three Months!

Eating & Sleeping Habits: For a while I didn't think there would be a change with Kolson's previous sleeping habits, but finally there was! He still goes to bed late; he falls asleep between 10 and 12 at night and sleeps until 3-4 in the morning. Then falls back asleep until around 7 eats and goes back to sleep until noonish. Right now Kolson eats between 3-4 oz every few hours. For a while he wanted 4 oz every hour! It was crazy. 

Someone please tell me where time has gone. I still can't believe another month has gone by. My little baby is growing up way too fast!

Measurements: Kolson has not had a check-up since he was 2 months, but I'm going to assume he is at least 12 pounds and at least 24 inches long! Grandma thinks he is more than 12 pounds! I think he is starting to go through another growth spurt because he is wanting to eat every hour like last time :)

New Milestones: Kolson is finally sleeping through the night! When I can finally get him to go to sleep, it's usually between 9:30 and 10:30 at night and he wakes me up at 8:30 in the morning (I wish he would sleep in until around 10 haha). He also is talking to everyone and everything. His favorite things to talk to are his fists and his toy caterpillar. His hand eye coordination is getting so much better! He can grab things and put them in his mouth and has been playing on his own a lot more. He is even trying to hold his bottle during feedings. If i nurse him he will grab onto my fingers and won't let go. One last milestone: he is moving so much more; he kicks his feet and moves his arms all the time (especially during diaper changes) and is even lifting his head and trying to roll over more. I couldn't be more proud of him (can you tell lol). 

Loves: People (Kolson will stare at people for hours and will smile at every stranger), bath time, diaper changes, tummy time, cuddling, sucking on his dumb, watching tv (anything from cartoons to the news), he is a very easy baby!

Doesn't Love: Falling asleep. He will fight his sleep for as long as he can. He really works himself up

Diapers: Somehow in the last month he has gone from size 1 diapers being way too big to them being very small. I have him in size 1 during the day and size 2 throughout the night so there is no leaking.

Clothing: Because he is so long, he has grown out of 0-3 onesies and sleepers. I just switched him into 3-6 months for those. If he has vests, pants, or sweatshirts, he can fit into 0-3. He is going to be a giant!!!

Mood: Since we have been home Kolson has been in such a great mood. He is always smiling  and is very attentive. 

Firsts: Kolson went on his first road trip to Massachusetts. We have been here for a couple weeks and he is loving it. He also had his first interaction with snow. It's weird having to actually bundle him up because the weather back home is so warm. He met his grandparents from Patrick's side along with his aunts, uncles, and all of my friends and family for the first time too! This past month has been a huge month as far as milestones and firsts for Kolson! 

What I want to remember
-The way he searches for me if he is being held by other people. It reminds me on days when I don't think I am doing a good job how much he loves and depends on me
- The way he gets so excited over feeding. He lets out a happy yells and waves his hands so fast
-How much he moves when he gets his diaper changed and loves being naked 
-How much he loves his toy caterpillar and will always grab it and immediately start licking it!
-The way he reaches out for you if you wake him up from a nap and has to touch my face before falling asleep. Melts my heart <3
-I don't ever want to forget how little he is and how perfect he is. He is my everything :) 

Monthly Photo Catch-up: 
Cuddling with his cousin DJ

Meeting his Aunt Laticyah and Cousin Aksel

Kolson, my sister, my nephew and I

His best friend the caterpillar 


Just hanging around

Bath time at grandma and grandpas 

Getting ready to go out in the cold

Squeaky clean

Watching daddy play video games

His nursery!

Grandma Oliver made these letters

Mike and Sulley :) 

Try and tell me this isn't the cutest face in the world ;)

So alert!

Has to make eye contact while he eats


Watching grandpa bowl 

Aksel <3

Playing with Nana Lynne


Picking his head up like a big boy :)

So long :D

Watching TV with Grandpa Oliver

Hanging out with Grandpa Deda

Has to touch my face before he can fall asleep!

Sitting on the couch like a grown up!

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