Sunday, June 12, 2016

Kolson: 7 Months!

Eating & Sleeping Habits: Kolson is finally back to his daily routine since he got sick. He wakes up every morning around 7-7:30. He will have a 5 ounce bottle and some pureed fruit. He will have 2-3 more 6 ounce bottles before he goes down for a nap between 12:30 and 1. When he wakes up around 3 he will have another 5 ounce bottle and some pureed vegetables. After that, he will have a 6 ounce bottle between every hour and a half to two hours. Then, for dinner he will have a 5 ounce bottle and some pureed vegetables, have a bath, read a book and he falls asleep between 7:30 and 8.

Measurements: We haven't had an appointment since his six month check-up, but when he went to the doctors last, he was almost 21 pounds.  

New Milestones: Kolson can clap, wave hi and bye, and can stand for a short period of time. In order for him to wave someone has to wave at him first. If you say "Yayyyyy" he will start to clap and will smile and giggle It's the cutest thing ever. We bought him an activity table to help him with his standing and he is doing so much better. The crawling is still a work in progress, but he is very determined to get it. 

Loves: Clapping, waving, FaceTime with grandma and grandpa, trying to catch shadows, playing with phones, playing with keyboards, pancakes, french fries, mashed potatoes, puffs, Cooper, daddy, water, his sprinkler splash mat, his reflection, being scared, peek-a-boo,sticking his tongue out   

Doesn't Love: Falling asleep. Some days he will go to bed no problem, but for the most part he will scream until he falls asleep. 

Diapers: We bumped him up to Huggies and Pampers size 4 diapers. Right now they are a little big on him, but they will last him longer since he has been consistently around 20 pounds for a couple months now 

Clothing: He is still in 9 months for everything, but he is getting to long for 9 month pajamas. I might just cut the toes off of his that he has now because they are still kind of baggy around his stomach and I fear if I bump him up to 12 month he will be swimming in them and may get tangled. 

Mood: Kolson is a super happy and talkative baby. He babbles all day long and if you call his name and say "what are you doing" or "who's that" he will give you a big toothy grin and giggle. He loves to talk to the tv. Anytime you put a show or movie on his eye glue to the tv and he talks the entire time.   

Firsts: We had our first pool visit as a family on Saturday. When we would lay put Kolson's stomach down toward the water he would immediately start splashing the water and kicking his legs. It was almost as if he was trying to doggie paddle. We went to the beach together as a family with our neighbors the next day and he loves the beach just as much as the pool and bath time. Something about the waves and the sound completely calmed him down when he wasn't playing with Liam. He fell asleep in my arms while we were still in the water. He also had his first playdate at the beach and one at the pool with other babies. Patrick Reenlisted for 4 more years in the Navy so Kolson and I both experienced our first reenlistment ceremony. It was really special to be their for my husband and Kolson's father and to be able to support him. He thanked both of us in his speech and we watched him receive the oath. Kolson also went to his first baby shower. An old co-worker is having twins, so we got to go and celebrate with her! 

What I want to remember
-How much he loves being scared. If you pop up behind him and yell Rawwwrr he will jump and immediately smile 
-How much he loves to look in the mirror. He will look back and forth from him to me and smile at him and laugh at me 
-The way he always has to have his feet up no matter where we are
-How happy he gets to see me when he wakes up
-His nighttime cuddles
-His love for the water
-His love for Cooper
-HIs love for life 

Picture update! 

Pre baby shower selfies 
Feet always have to be up...
Taking after his uncle and his father...future drummer?
Playing in his ball pit 
I can never get enough of this face 

He's Aladdin 

Only Kolson can rock wearing a bowl as a hat 
....Even at the dinner table 

Sprinkler Splash mat fun!

Playing with my feet 
Selfies with Rahimi 

Daddy reenlisted for 4 more years!
Kolson loves the water 

In his shark float
On our way to the beach!

That toothy smile :)
Happy 7 months to my entire heart and entire world 
