Monday, July 20, 2015

Man Crush Monday

Every Monday and Wednesday when I go onto any form of social media I see tons and tons of people posting things about how great their significant others are. I for one, have never posted a single man crush Monday thing before today, but I think it's time that I give Patrick some credit. He is by far the most perfect person I have ever met in my entire life. The amount of love I have for him cannot be described. 

I moved to Freetown when I was in the 4th grade. At the time, I was attending schools in another town (I was in a previous foster home in this time and when I got placed into another foster home they decided it would be best to keep me in that school system until the year ended). The following school year I started 5th grade in a completely different area where I knew absolutely no one. I made a few good friends that year and one amazing friend who I am still close with to this day. It was hard making friends because we were the only fifth graders on the second floor of the school. Sixth grade came and it was like being at a new school all over again; I was so used to seeing the same people that I just thought those were the only people in my grade. Seeing all of the other sixth graders who I never got to meet before was perfect for me. I loved making friends and could talk anyone's ear off. I remember the day I saw Patrick like it was yesterday. I was looking around the class trying to figure out who would be my next best friend when I noticed a very cute boy with frosted tips (they were very popular at the time) sitting in the front of the classroom. Things were kind of hectic because it was the first day of school so I never got to find out what his name was. The next day when I met up with my best friend I asked her if she happened to know who he was; unfortunately she and not many of my other friends had any idea. When I finally figured out this stranger's name was Patrick, I made it one of my goals to become friends with him. What  I didn't know then was that this was going to be a challenge considering how quiet he was. As the year went on my crush for him grew. He was a very nice boy who seemed to have a good amount of friends. When I finally built up the courage to talk to him I was told he already had a girlfriend. I was crushed, but I got over it (I was in sixth grade and had the attention span of a newborn) and decided to focus on trying to get him to be my friend. 

Unfortunately, that didn't go too well. As the year went on, I began to gain a lot of friends and though I always had a crush on Patrick through the year, I was too busy to try and do anything else. From sixth grade until eight grade Patrick and I were in the same homeroom; which turned out to be great for me because not only could I check him out every morning but we slowly began to talk more. By eight grade we began to have conversations. We both dated a few people between this time but I never fully stopped liking him. In eight grade I got into a very serious relationship with a boy and ended up dating him until my junior year of high school. The relationship was your typical teenage relationship with "breaks" and heartbreak and always ending up back together. I thought he was the one. For the first time I really stopped crushing on Patrick and put all of my focus into Jeremy. This didn't last as long as I thought it would. Around my sophomore year of high school I found out Jeremy was cheating on me, and although I was devastated, I was also stupid and kept going back to him. Patrick and I continued to grow as friend and he proved to be a shoulder I could cry on (like I said, he's perfect). He got into a pretty serious relationship with one of my good friends too. Somehow I managed to forgive Jeremy and things kind of went back to normal. Fast forward a year and we are at one of my fellow cheerleader's graduation party. Jeremy and I were jumping on the trampoline when we noticed someone who looks somewhat familiar. Come to find out that it's Patrick's older brother. At the realization of the coincidental fact, Jeremy blurts out to him that I just happened to have the biggest crush on him and have had one since the sixth grade. That was when it hit me: if my boyfriend at the time knew I not only had a crush on Patrick in the past but still had one on him maybe this wasn't the right relationship. I was totally embarrassed and had a feeling that Patrick would soon find out how I really felt about him. 

Somehow Patrick never found out about the trampoline incident and the year continued to go on normally. Then one day in my algebra class (which I had with a bunch of Patrick's close friends) the topic of Patrick's break up came up. My best friend decided that this was the perfect time to let Patrick's best friend know that I liked him. Although I was mad at the time, looking back if it wasn't for our two friends it would have taken us longer to get together. As you can guess, Patrick's friend told Patrick and somehow Jeremy had found out and we broke up (just in time because that same night he decided to go crazy and shave off his eyebrows!). A few days passed and I noticed Patrick wasn't in school, but to me this was a good thing because I didn't know if things would be awkward between us or not. That night I got a random text from Patrick. He had bronchitis and was out of school for a week. We talked for while and eventually made plans to go see a movie together. And that was the beginning of our relationship!

 We have been together since then. We broke up once for a few weeks but we got back together and for the next five years we have been inseparable (except for when the military decides to take him away). Patrick proves himself to be more and more amazing everyday. I never thought I would find anyone like him, especially after what I had been through growing up and in my past relationships. The compassion he has shown me is like nothing anyone else has ever expressed. He is my soulmate and my best friend all in one person. It takes a lot to deal with a person like me. I'm energetic and loud and very spoiled, but somehow Patrick manages. He spoils me (which I have taken advantage of a few times haha) but most importantly he supports me in everything that I do. He pushes me to try new things and always makes me feel better about myself. He works hard to provide for our family and even though he knew money would be tight he told me I didn't have to work and to focus on school. 

When I found out I was pregnant I freaked out because I wasn't expecting it and didn't think I was ready. I remember going over to my friend's house and making a list of ways to tell Patrick the news without him getting upset. I took several different tests to make sure and had everything planned out. When I went to tell him I broke down because I was so scared. I finally told him and a smile spread across his face. I couldn't believe how stupid I had been. Of course Patrick would be happy! This baby was something that we created together out of love and family is something that means more than anything to Patrick. Patrick has gone to every one of my doctors appointments, baby classes, you name it. He even wore an empathy belly so he could feel what I am going through. I couldn't ask for a more perfect person to start a family with. Kolson will grow up to be a great man just like his father.

I was having such bad day today and I got this text from Patrick that made me tear up. Even without me telling him, he knows when I am having a bad day and knows exactly how to make me feel better. So this post is dedicated to my perfect husband and my man crush monday. Thank you so much for all that you have done for Kolson and I and I can't wait to see you and hold you in a couple weeks baby!!!

Until next time 

Tati :)  

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mass Trip Part One

It feels so good to be back home! Unlike last time, I am here for 3 weeks which means I actually get to relax. The last time I was up I was here for a week and my schedule was super hectic between seeing friends and family. This time all of my weekends are booked but I get to relax during the week. Which, for a six and half month pregnant woman is awesome! I've been home for three days and I already don't want to go back. The weather here is phenomenal thanks to the lack of humidity (my hair is very thankful). For the next three weeks I get to spend my time sitting by the water with family and friends. I know...I have the best life ever!

I wish the trip up was as relaxing as it has been so far. I hope everyone is ready for this story! Before I start my story, let me post this disclaimer: I have never had good luck flying by myself and should have seen this coming.  

When I bought my plane ticket I planned on booking the first flight of the day so there would be no problems. Looking back I shouldn't have been too optimistic and allowed myself to sleep in later. I booked a six o'clock flight at Charleston International Airport. Because the airport was two hours away we had to wake up at 12:45 in the morning. We got there with no problems; the check-in process and security were a breeze. I boarded the plane and was so excited to finally have everything go right. I was even seated next to the friendliest lady I had ever met. The flight was scheduled to be a little over two hours and I had a 40 minute layover at Newark airport. We took off on time and the lady next to me, a lady with two young kids seated the row in front of me and I talked the whole flight. Everything was going great until I noticed the plane was flying in big circles. When I checked the time I realized something was wrong because we should have landed 20 minutes prior. I looked at the lady next to me and asked her if she thought anything was wrong. She tried to calm me by saying they must know what they are doing. After another 15 minutes the pilot got on the intercom and told us that there was a storm and they were told to circle around until it passed. Because the plane was an express plane it was running low on fuel and we had to land in PA instead of NJ. By the time we landed my next flight had already left. While we were waiting to refuel, a bunch of us on the plane realized we were all on the same flight to Boston. Much to my surprise I got a text saying that flight had been delayed, which brought up my spirits. When we finally landed in Newark, the lady with her children and I took off running to catch our next flight. 

What I wish someone had told me was that Newark is the biggest airport ever! Just to get from one Concourse to the next you have to take either a bus or  tram. If you chose to take the tram, you have to go through security again. Even though the tram would have been faster we decided to take the bus to avoid security. When the bus dropped us off at Concourse C we got off at gate 1...too bad we needed to be at gate 125. That was on the opposite end of the Concourse and turned out to be a 25 minute run sprint. Just in case you couldn't guess, by the time we got there the plane had taken off. Thank God the gentleman extremely rude airport worker was there to help us out (in case you didn't catch my sarcasm). When we explained our situation he looked at us and said "what do you want me to do about it". I couldn't believe it! How rude can you be. It wasn't our fault the plane needed to get fuel. He then told us he could do nothing about it and we would have to go to customer service which of course was on the opposite end of the terminal. So after another sprint (picture a pregnant woman and a lady literally dragging her 4 and 7 year olds) across the airport we got to customer service. Get ready for this...they told us we couldn't be guaranteed a flight until 8:30 that night (that meant a nice relaxing 11 hour wait). The four of us were then handed standby tickets to hopefully catch a seat on a flight before then. One finally sprint to the other end of the concourse to catch a flight boarding in 20 minutes and we all got to finally sit exhausted, anxious, and very angry. 

What the customer service representatives failed to tell us was that there was another flight to Boston on the gate right next to us. We decided to go over and check it out because the flight we were waiting for was overbooked. On the walk over, all of the people from our original flight noticed us approaching and ran over to the other gate to ask about open seats. Of course the flight had some, but by the time it was our turn in line they were all taken. Somehow we managed to get onto the first flight. Just when you would think all of my troubles were over, there was another storm and we were stuck waiting in a hot plane on the runway for over an hour. Of course I get the seat next to two people who are making out and feeling each each other up. Joy right? Thankfully the rest of the flight went well, I made friends with an awesome flight attendant, and most importantly I made it home without jumping out the plane window. If I wasn't pregnant the first thing I would have asked for was a glass of wine. But, because I am, I opted for a Friendly's BLT and a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee. 

Fast forward a couple days and here I am. Completely relaxing in this gorgeous weather getting ready for my sister's baby shower tomorrow. Although I am loving being home I miss my hubby and my puppy. Patrick had to stay home because of work and got the responsibility of taking care of Cooper for the next three weeks. It feels weird being so far away from them (it's the first time since we got married) but I have things I need to do here before I go home, and who says no to a vacation! Patrick said Cooper misses me, but I don't think it's nearly as much as I miss them. How could anyone not miss these faces? 

Until next time 

Tati :)