Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kolson: Month 12!!!

Well it's official, I have survived the first year of motherhood! And, if I do say so myself, I did a pretty damn good job! I have an extremely health, happy, and intelligent baby!

Eating and Sleeping 
Kolson eats about three times a day with around 6 or 7 snacks and three 8oz bottles. We have started him on table food, and with the exception of chicken, he loves it! He will eat chicken if it is pureed, but not shredded or in cubes. We got the OK from his pediatrician to start him on whole milk now. We have to keep a close eye on him because of his sensitivity to soy and lactose though. I, for one, am super excited to get him off Similac Alimentum and save around $400 a month on formula! 

As for sleep, Kolson still hates falling asleep and taking naps. On a good day, he will take on half an hour to an hour nap (most days he skips a nap). He will fall asleep between 7:30 and 8, and on a good night will sleep until around 7 in the morning. Since our road trip back to Beaufort however, he hasn't really been sleeping through the night. If he wakes up in his crib we will bring him into bed with us and he will sleep just fine *sigh*. 

Kolson just had his 12 month check-up. He weighs 25.6 pounds (89th percentile) and is 32 1/2 inches long (99th percentile). He got five shots and cried for about a minute after! 

Diapering and Clothing 
For a while I had Kolson in size 5 Pampers Baby Dry, but as soon as he would pee they would sag to the floor. So, I switched him back to size 4 Pampers Cruisers and we are doing a lot better with that. He is in 18-24 month clothing and 24 month sleepers right now! 

New Milestones 
Major milestone: KOLSON IS WALKING!!!! He started taking a couple steps at the end of October, but it would just be 2 steps and then he would fall. Once we got back from our road trip, all he wanted to do was walk and on November 10th he walked from the living room to the kitchen (about 20 steps). Now, he is running all over the place. Kolson also can: 
Wave Hi 
Wave Bye 
Click a Pen 
Open a gate (unfortunately for me) 
Feed the dog 
Flick a light switch 
Turn a door knob 
His pediatrician couldn't believe that he could actually click a pen at 12 months old! He catches on very quick!

Kolson had his first Halloween this year. He went as the  most cutest scuba diver ever! I loved it because it was one of the easiest costumes ever especially with the lack of time to plan due to the evacuation. We went to the zoo for a baby/toddler "Boo at the Zoo" event where there was a costume contest, parade, and trick or treating with the animals. Of course it only made sense that he sleep through the entire event haha! Later on his cousin Aksel came over and the two of them went trick-or-treating in my hometown neighborhood. 

Kolson had his first birthday party in Massachusetts with our family and friends. He was very cranky at first because of all of the people and noise, but he eventually had a good time. He was not a fan of the cake smash and the present opening. He ate cookies the whole time haha! 

He had his second party in Beaufort on his birthday! We had a very small party, but of course, I went all out. His birthday was circus theme and I was very happy with the way the decorations came out (thanks Pinterest)! He was a lot happier with a smaller crowd and was loving all of the attention. He didn't enjoy the cake smash at this either however! 

Kolson got his first flu shot at his 12 month appointment! He was more upset about them putting the band-aid on before the shot than the actual shot haha. He was really excited when they gave him his first lollipop though! 

- Kolson absolutely loves his grandma and grandpa. We spent a month in Freetown, and he couldn't get enough of their attention. Now, they are spending the month in Beaufort with us for Kolson's birthday and to help us PCS (military move) to Camp Lejeune in December. He will always look at them for a reaction! 
-Walking! It's all he wants to do now. He knows he can walk faster if you hold his hand, so he always grabs for it (which it think is adorable) 
-Giving kisses
-Stroller rides

Doesn't Love
-The only thing Kolson doesn't love is the word "no". If you say it to him he looks at you really slow, smirks, then continues what he was doing. Then, he will clap when he is done hahaha. 

What I Want to Remember
-The way he looks at you when he wants you to clap for him
-Taking his first steps
-How cuddly he is at bed time 
-How much fun he has at bath time (he dunks his head under and splashes everywhere) 
-How intelligent and mischievous he is!

Photo Update!!! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Kolson: Month 11!

Eleven months to go! How is it possible that in just 30 days I will have a one year old toddler?!? 

Eating and sleeping: 
Kolson's sleep has been great lately! He has been going to bed between 7 and 8 and waking up around 8 everyday. He has a pretty bad cold, but has been sleeping really well. Of course since we are in Massachusetts he has been sleeping in late and been in a great mood. When we are in SC and it's just he and I, it's a different story haha. 

As far as eating goes, I feel like this baby never stops eating. We've cut him down to about 3 7oz bottles a day with 3 meals and a ton of snacks. He has just started to move away from baby food in the morning to fruit and cereal that are cut really small. So far he loves it! We've also been working on getting him to hold his sippy cup ( holding the bottle is a lost cause haha). 

Kolson won't have another check-up until 12 months, but since he has been so active I would say still a little over 25 pounds and 32-33 inches. 

Diapering and Clothing: 
I bought a box of size 5 Pampers Baby Dry, and although they fit, they do seem a little big so they tend to sag easier. I think when we are done with these I will drop him back down to the size 4 Cruisers. For clothing I see a change to 18 months coming our way. He will fit in two piece size 12 months, but not onesies or sleepers! 

New Milestones: 
Kolson is officially on the move! He will take between 2-3 steps, stop to rest, and move again. He can stand on his own from sitting for a really long time. He will clap while he stands, turn around and throw his arms up. He's figured out how to climb up and down steps, and on and off things! He knows how to give kisses, although you have to work really hard in order to get one from him!

Kolson and I had our first evacuation last week! We live in South Carolina and Hurricane Matthew hit us pretty hard. My husband gave me a call saying they were going to evacuate and that he would not be able to come with us. So, I spent my day shopping for things, packing, got two hours of sleep, and started the long journey up to MA on my own with Kolson and our dog Cooper. Both Kolson and Cooper did amazing on the drive up and it ended up being a 23 hour drive with stops for bathrooms and food. 

Since we have been here, Kolson has had a ton of firsts including: meeting the ponies down the street, walking, wearing his first pair of shoes, meet his great grandmother and grandfather, met his aunt and cousins, went on his first boat ride, got his first train, went to his first baby tumbling class. We've been having so much fun since we've been here. 

He is still obsessed with books like his momma! He loves his Mickey Mouse ride on train. This toy is amazing! It comes with a giant train track and it is battery operated to he can ride around on it. He loves his grandma and grandpa Oliver. Grandpa can make him laugh when no one else can. He loves trying to figure out things on his own. He has been trying to figure out how to unlock and open the door. He loves technology (iPhone, iPad, you name it! he can figure out how to turn them on and get onto the main screen in under a minute). Anything that moves, shakes, and lights up. He loves fruits and veggies. To be honest there really isn't much he does love haha. 

Doesn't Love: 
Kolson absolutely hates getting his nose wiped or cleaned. He screams like someone is trying to kill him and will kick and try and pull everything away from him. He also doesn't love being put into his highchair if he knows there isn't food ready yet haha. 

What I Want to Remember: 
-The way sleeps with his bum up in the air
- When he is sick all he wants is me and it's the cutest 
-When he calls for momma
-The look he gives me when I say no
-How much he loves playing in the water bowl
-When he stands and throw his arms in the air in excitement 
-How happy he gets when anyone plays peek-a-boo with him 
-His song he sings when he is tired 
-I just want to remember everything. I only have a month left until he is no longer an infant

Picture update: